《林业研究》(英文版)(Journal of Forestry Research)是中国生态学学会与东北林业大学主办、国家教育部主管的林业学术期刊。协办单位有吉林省林科院、辽宁省林科院。创办于1990年,季刊,大16开,国内外公开发行。 1.办刊宗旨与报道范围 本刊宗旨是贯彻党的科技路线和“双百”方针,坚持科技是第一生产力的原则,宣传和报道国内外森林生态学和森林资源学基础研究与应用研究方面的学术成果,为活跃学术空气、促进国际学术交流和科教兴国服务。 主要刊登:森林经营、林木育种、造林、森林生态、森林土壤、森林保护、野生动物生态与管理、野生动物保护与利用、生物科学、木材科学、木材加工工艺、森林采运技术等方面的原始论文。同时,也刊登研究综述、研究简报、会议消息、书评方面的稿件。 2.国际化程度 向国际化发展是本刊既定的目标。经过辛勤的耕耘和不懈的努力,本刊在国内外的知名度和影响不断提高。 (1)国际文献数据库收录 本刊现已入编美国生物学文摘(BA)、国际生物学文献文摘(CAB Abstracts)、俄罗斯文摘杂志(Abstract Journal of VINITI(AJ))等17个国际性重要数据库,及中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)等十几个国内重要数据库,并成为中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)核心库来源期刊、中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊),中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊、中国科技期刊统计源期刊及《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》全文收录期刊。加入这些数据库,标志着本刊已发展成为一种英文核心学术期刊,在国内外具有较高的影响力,在国际学术交流方面起着重要作用。 (2)国际化编委会 目前本刊编委会成员36名,其中有海外编委17名, 来自12个国家。 (3)国际合作出版 2007年《林业研究》与国际著名出版商—Springer 公司开展国际出版合作。本刊已获得网络版刊号--ISSN1993-0607(Online),每期都直接上传Http:// 国际网络平台。这标志着本刊正式登上国际舞台,走上国际化、信息化、网络化发展道路,扩大了国际影响,实现了真正意义上的国际化。《林业研究》(英文版) 在国际知名电子期刊网( )上全文下载次数逐年急剧上升,2007年全年为5,300次,2008年全年为10,023次, 2009年全年将突破35,000次,2010年为28,000次,证明该刊的国际检索利用率在不断提高。另外,本刊还实现了优先出版(Online first)。据ISI Web of Knowledge 统计显示:2008年《林业研究》(英文版) 2006-2007年文章被引用的次数为 58次,国际影响因子达到0.4。 (4)稿件组成 《林业研究》(英文)创刊以来,一直受到广大作者及读者的关心与厚爱。经过不懈的努力,本刊逐渐发展成为一种在国内外具有一定影响的英文林业学术期刊,在宣传报道我国林业研究成果和促进国际学术交流方面发挥着重要作用。本刊以出精品为目标,注重优秀稿件和基金资助课题稿件的征集和选取,刊登的论文绝大部分具有学科前沿水平,国家及省部级基金课题的论文比例达60%以上。国内来稿覆盖全国各省市自治区,国外稿件覆盖美国、日本、印度、瑞典、尼日利亚、澳大利亚等40多个国家。 3. 编辑队伍 《林业研究》编辑部长期以来十分重视编辑人才的培养,鼓励并创造条件培养编辑人员的实践能力、自我完善能力、英语写作能力、信息捕捉能力和对稿荐的驾御能力。目前编辑部已具备一支结构合理、素质高的编辑队伍。有名誉主编 1人,兼职主编1人,兼职副主编3人,专职副主编1人,专职编辑3人,语言编辑1人(兼职)。专职编辑人员中,编审1名、副编审1名、编辑2名,全部为林业专业出身科技人员。编辑人员注重自身的修养和自我提高,除了经常参加一些编辑和专业方面的研讨会之外,编辑部还经常开展“稿件修改研讨会”,针对稿件容易出现英文语法错误如何修改进行讨论,组织学习国外专家改过的稿件。 4.期刊信息化水平 2004年本刊建立有自己独立网站( )。本网站同时具备中文和英文2套版本,可同时以满足国内和国外访问者的需要,具备期刊介绍、文章检索(包括本期和过刊)、稿件查询、订阅指南、投稿须知、审稿标准、审稿人数据库等功能。2010年采用” Editorial Manager”国际通用在线投审稿系统,实现在线投稿审稿。投稿者请登录 jfr/并注册,然后按系统提示逐步完成投稿。
Journal of Forestry Research
- Alleviating forest degradation in the Lancang-Mekong Region requires closing management-measurement gaps
- Nitrogen resorption and fractionation during leaf senescence in typical tree species in Japan
- The effect of Rhizophagus irregularis on salt stress tolerance of Elaeagnus angustifolia roots
- High aluminum concentration and initial establishment of Handroanthus impetiginosus : clues about an Al non-resistant species in Brazilian Cerrado
- Dominance-caused differences in transpiration of trees in a Karst broadleaved mixed forest
- Proteomic analysis of differentially abundant proteins in the embryo and endosperm of Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem
- A comparative study of Epipactis atrorubens in two different forest communities of the Middle Urals, Russia
- Growth responses of seedlings produced by parent seeds from specif ic altitudes
- The effect of weeding frequency and schedule on weeding operation time: a simulation study on a sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation in Japan
- Short-term e ffects of organic amendments on soil fertility and root growth of rubber trees on Hainan Island, China
- Integrated assessment of adventitious rhizogenesis in Eucalyptus:root quality index and rooting dynamics
- The e ffects of fall fertilization on the growth of Chinese pine and Prince Rupprecht’s larch seedlings
- Allometric relationships between primary size measures and sapwood area for six common tree species in snow-dependent ecosystems in the Southwest United States
- Survivorship, attained diameter, height and volume of three Paulownia species after 9 years in the southern Appalachians,USA
- Douglas-f ri climate sensitivity at two contrasting sites along the southern limit of the European planting range
- Deduction of a meteorological phenology indicator from reconstructed MODIS LST imagery
- Distribution and quantification of Pb in an evergreen broadleaved forest in three hydrological years
- Effects of different land-use systems (grazing and understory cultivation) on growth and yield of semi-arid oak coppices
- Growth response of Abies spectabilis to climate along an elevation gradient of the Manang valley in the central Himalayas
- Integration of multiple climate models to predict range shifts and identify management priorities of the endangered Taxus wallichiana in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountain region
- Impacts of climate change on the potential forest productivity based on a climate-driven biophysical model in northeastern China
- Plant growth and nutrient use efficiency of two native Fabaceae species for mineland revegetation in the eastern Amazon
- Effects of soil nutrient availability and ozone on container-grown Japanese larch seedlings and role of soil microbes
- Estimation of soil carbon pools in the forests of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan
- Moisture regime inf luence on soil carbon stock and carbon sequestration rates in semi-arid forests of the National Capital Region, India
- Responses of soil Collembolans to vegetation restoration in temperate coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests
- Small-scale edaphic heterogeneity as a floristic-structural complexity driver in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests tree communities
- The impact of Persian oak ( Quercus brantii Lindl.) on soil characteristics in a declining forest
- Comparison of soil bacterial diversity and community composition between clear-cut logging and control sites in a temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest in Mt. Sambong,South Korea
- Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial biomass C and N of Keteleeria fortunei var. cyclolepis forests with different ages
- Spatial variability of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in the hilly red soil region of Southern China
- The influence of soil compaction in explaining spatial heterogeneity of different larch forest types: a preliminary study
- Improved germination of threatened medicinal Prunus africana for better domestication: effects of temperature, growth regulators and salts
- Viability of recalcitrant Araucaria angustifolia seeds in storage and in a soil seed bank
- Roles of abscisic acid and gibberellins in maintaining primary and secondary dormancy of Korean pine seeds
- Similarity between seed rain and neighbouring mature tree communities in an old-growth temperate forest
- Genetic diversity and differentiation of pedunculate( Quercus robur) and sessile ( Q. petraea) oaks
- Mining Myb transcription factors related to wood development in Larix olgensis
- Transcriptome analysis of Idesia polycarpa Maxim. var vestita Diels f lowers during sex differentiation
- Carbon accumulations by stock change approach in tropical highland forests of Chiapas, Mexico
- Forest succession in post-agricultural Larix olgensis plantations in northeast China
- Fuel characteristics, loads and consumption in Scots pine forests of central Siberia
- Spatiotemporal changes in forest loss and its linkage to burned areas in China
- Factors i nf luencing the concentration of negative air ionsduring the year in forests and urban green spaces of the Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen, China
- Ophiostomatales (Ascomycota) associated with Tomicus species in southwestern China with an emphasis on Ophiostoma canum
- Molecular cloning, characterization, and antioxidant function of catalase in Lymantria dispar asiatic (Lepidoptera:Lymantriidae) under avermectin stress
- Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae causes stem canker of Chinese hackberry in China
- Morphological and phylogenetical analysis reveals that a new tapeworm species (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae) from whooper swan belongs to Cloacotaenia not Hymenolepis
- High-throughput sequencing analysis of the regulation of intestinal f lora in giant pandas with indigestion using a probiotic agent LyPB
- Movement of boron from ulexite and colemanite minerals in sapwood and heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica
- Visual grading criteria for Japanese larch ( Larix kaempferi)structural timber from Spain