Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science(《针灸推拿医学》,英文版,CN 31-1908/R,ISSN 1672-3597,双月刊,64页)为中国英文版科技期刊数据库统计源期刊,德国Springer数据库、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库收录期刊。 本刊由上海市针灸经络研究所主办,以介绍针灸和推拿临床医学、推广中医针灸和推拿文化、促进国际交流为主旨,设有“973计划”专栏、述评、名中医经验、临床研究、基础(实验)研究、临床报道、病例报告、经络腧穴、针刺麻醉、针灸器械等栏目,全面报道国内外针灸、推拿的临床和基础研究成果。论文强调具有中医特色,突出中医基础理论的实际运用。是从事针灸推拿医学临床、教学和科研的各级医技人员以及医学院校相关专业大学生的良师益友;相关医疗器械研制、生产者了解市场的窗口。
Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science
Critical Review
Famous Doctor’s Experience
Special Topic Study
- Therapeutic effect of tuina combined with Jin Gui Shen Qi Decoction on lumbar spinal stenosis
- Triple needling plus moxibustion and Tanbo-plucking tender points for the third lumbar vertebra transverse process syndrome
- Electroacupuncture combined with iontophoresis of Chinese medicine for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation
Clinical Study
- Effect of row needling in muscle regions combined with seven-star needle tapping on cognitive function and quality of life in patients with post-stroke upper limb spasticity
- Effect of ginger-partitioned moxibustion on immunocytokines in patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis
- Clinical observation of warm needling moxibustion for rheumatoid arthritis
- Effect of acupuncture combined with rehabilitation training on walking function after arthroscopic meniscus repair