IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
- Parallel Control for Continuous-Time Linear Systems: A Case Study
- Stability of Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Systems Via Additive Identity
- An Iterative Pose Estimation Algorithm Based on Epipolar Geometry With Application to Multi-Target Tracking
- Data-based Fault Tolerant Control for Affine Nonlinear Systems Through Particle Swarm Optimized Neural Networks
- A Spatial-Temporal Attention Model for Human Trajectory Prediction
- Approximate dynamic programming for Stochastic Resource Allocation Problems
- Concrete Defects Inspection and 3D Mapping Using CityFlyer Quadrotor Robot
- Evaluating Group Formation in Virtual Communities
- A Study on Hovering Control of Small Aerial Robot by Sensing Existing Floor Features
- AI-Based Modeling and Data-Driven Evaluation for Smart Manufacturing Processes
- Convolutional Multi-Head Self-Attention on Memory for Aspect Sentiment Classification
- Simulation and Field Testing of Multiple Vehicles Collision Avoidance Algorithms
- Aperiodic Sampled-Data Control of Distributed Networked Control Systems Under Stochastic Cyber-Attacks
- Three-Dimensional Scene Encryption Algorithm Based on Phase Iteration Algorithm of the Angular-Spectral Domain
- An Exponential Chaotic Oscillator Design and Its Dynamic Analysis
- A Nonlinear Coordinated Approach to Enhance the Transient Stability of Wind Energy-Based Power Systems
- Distributed Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems with Coupling Uncertainties and Actuator Faults
- Study on the Driving Style Adaptive Vehicle Longitudinal Control Strategy
- LESO-based Position Synchronization Control for Networked Multi-Axis Servo Systems with Time-Varying Delay
- 3D Shape Reconstruction of Lumbar Vertebra From Two X-ray Images and a CT Model
- Solving Multitrip Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Manpower Planning Using Multiobjective Algorithms
- C-Vine Pair Copula Based Wind Power Correlation Modelling in Probabilistic Small Signal Stability Analysis
- Distribution of Miss Distance for Pursuit-Evasion Problem
- Parallel Distance:A New Paradigm of Measurement for Parallel Driving
- Path Planning for Intelligent Robots Based on Deep Q-learning with Experience Replay and Heuristic knowledge
- Avoiding Non-Manhattan Obstacles Based on Projection of Spatial Corners in Indoor Environment