Forest Ecosystems
- Removing harvest residues from hardwood stands affects tree growth,wood density and stem wood nutrient concentration in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and oak (Quercus spp.)
- Modeling of cold-temperate tree Pinus koraiensis (Pinaceae) distribution in the Asia-Pacific region: Climate change impact
- Carbon stocks in a highly fragmented landscape with seasonally dry tropical forest in the Neotropics
- Intraspecific variation in shoot flammability in Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium is not predicted by habitat environmental conditions
- Current climate overrides past climate change in explaining multi-site beta diversity of Lauraceae species in China
- Ecological niche modeling of the main forest-forming species in the Caucasus
- Impact of nitrogen input from biosolids application on carbon sequestration in a Pinus radiata forest
- Divergent allocations of nonstructural carbohydrates shape growth response to rainfall reduction in two subtropical plantations
- Pre-fire aboveground biomass, estimated from LiDAR, spectral and field inventory data, as a major driver of burn severity in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) ecosystems
- Impact of tree litter identity, litter diversity and habitat quality on litter decomposition rates in tropical moist evergreen forest
- Once upon a time biomass burning in the western Alps: Nesting effects of climate and local drivers on long-term subalpine fires
- How can the forest sector mitigate climate change in a changing climate?Case studies of boreal and northern temperate forests in eastern Canada