Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
Research Articles
- Automatic protocol reverse engineering for industrial control systems with dynamic taint analysis*#
- Generic,efficient,and effective deobfuscation and semantic-aware attack detection for PowerShell scripts*&
- Reducing power grid cascading failure propagation by minimizing algebraic connectivity in edge addition*
- Three-dimensional face point cloud hole-filling algorithm based on binocular stereo matching and a B-spline*
- NGAT:attention in breadth and depth exploration for semi-supervised graph representation learning*
- A novel multiple-outlier-robust Kalman filter*
- Minimax Q-learning design for H∞control of linear discrete-time systems*
- Efficient normalization for quantitative evaluation of the driving behavior using a gated auto-encoder*
- Sampling formulas for 2D quaternionic signals associated with various quaternion Fourier and linear canonical transforms*#
- Caustics of developable surfaces*
- Interval type-2 fuzzy logic based radar task priority assignment method for detecting hypersonic-glide vehicles*