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- Perspective: Acoustic Metamaterials in Future Engineering
- Modulational Instability of Optical Vortices in Engineered Saturable Media
- Architectural Design and Additive Manufacturing of Mechanical Metamaterials: A Review
- A Planar 4-Bit Reconfigurable Antenna Array Based on the Design Philosophy of Information Metasurfaces
- Super-Resolution Displacement Spectroscopic Sensing over a Surface‘‘Rainbow”†
- The Tessellation Rule and Properties Programming of Origami Metasheets Built with a Mixture of Rigid and Non-Rigid Square-Twist Patterns
- Determination of the Apparent Gas Permeability in a Macrocracked Concrete
- Nanomechanical Characteristics of Interfacial Transition Zone in Nano-Engineered Concrete
- Three-Dimensional Mesoscopic Investigation on the Impact of Specimen Geometry and Bearing Strip Size on the Splitting-Tensile Properties of Coral Aggregate Concrete
- Service Life Design for Concrete Engineering in Marine Environments of Northern China Based on a Modified Theoretical Model of Chloride Diffusion and Large Datasets of Ocean Parameters
- A Numerical Study of Wave Propagation and Cracking Processes in Rock-Like Material under Seismic Loading Based on the Bonded-Particle Model Approach
- An Effective Green Porous Structural Adhesive for Thermal Insulating,Flame-Retardant,and Smoke-Suppressant Expandable Polystyrene Foam
- Identification of Monocytes Associated with Severe COVID-19 in the PBMCs of Severely Infected Patients Through Single-Cell Transcriptome Sequencing
- Phylogenetic and Comparative Genomic Analysis of Lactobacillus fermentum Strains and the Key Genes Related to their Intestinal Anti-Inflammatory Effects
- 3D-Printed Scaffolds Promote Angiogenesis by Recruiting Antigen-Specific T Cells
- Occurrence and Roles of Comammox Bacteria in Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems: A Critical Review
- Recent Advances in Space-Deployable Structures in China
- Dynamic Spectrum Control-Assisted Secure and Efficient Transmission Scheme in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
- Learning Rat-Like Behavior for a Small-Scale Biomimetic Robot
- Data-Driven Discovery of Stochastic Differential Equations