地下水科学与工程:英文版由中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所主办、中国地质学会水文地质专业委员会、国际水文地质学家联合会中国委员会合办的英文期刊《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》(ISSN 2305-7068)被《新资源引文索引》(ESCI)和《美国剑桥文摘》(CSA)收录。在世界经济萧条、经费短缺的背景下该刊被收录,标志着水文地质科学日益受到国际重视,我国的研究水平得到了国际同行的认可,该刊的国际影响力将大大提升。这是该刊继被世界著名地学数据库-《GeoRef数据库》、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》(AJ)收录后又被另两大国际性大型文献数据库收录。
- Analysis of evaporation of high-salinity phreatic water at a burial depth of 0 m in an arid area
- Analysis on method for effective in-situ stress measurement in hot dry rock reservoir
- Factors influencing in-situ leaching of uranium mining in a sandstone deposit in Shihongtan,Northwest China
- Distribution and evolution features of salinized soil in Hebei Plain
- Research on the gully forming in the gully region of Yanhe River Basin and process of geological disasters
- An analysis of River Derwent pollution and its impacts
- Gravity erosion and lithology in Pisha sandstone in southern Inner Mongolia
- Geochemical characteristics of geothermal water in Weiyuan geothermal field,Huzhu County,Qinghai Province
- Type of major water hazards and study of countermeasures in Shennan Mining Area
- Methodological study of coastal geological hazard assessment based on GIS
- Discussion on heat source mechanism and geothermal system of Qinghai Gonghe-Guide Basin
- Distribution and migration of lead in soil of Xiao River,Shijiazhuang,Hebei Province