- 杨加勇:画画是一种信仰
- 欲望的裂痕
- 坠入人间的怪才
- Genius Falling into the World
- 杨加勇近作短评
- A Short Comment on Yang Jiayong
- 行者的修渡
- A painter
- Jiayong Yang“Celestial Reincarnations"
- 杨加勇——宛如天人
- 骨子里的欲
- The Desire Deep in His Heart
- 兀然而醉,豁然而醒
- 无迹可求,而尚空灵
- The Spirit is Everywhere
- 溃烂之时,美如乳酪
- Fester is Beautiful like Cheese
- 活动与记录
- Half Drunk, Half Awake
- 创作自述
- Something I want to Share