Defence Technology
- Rapid destruction of sarin surrogates by gas phase reactions with focus on diisopropyl methylphosphonate(DIMP)
- Effect of friction stir processing on mechanical properties and heat transfer of TIG welded joint of AA6061 and AA7075
- Identification of Pu and U isotopic composition and its applications in environmental and CBRN research
- Thermodynamics and performance of Al/CuO nanothermite with different storage time
- Evaluation of infrared camouflage effectiveness via a multi-fractal method
- Combustion characteristic and aging behavior of bimetal thermite powders
- Irreversible demagnetization mechanism of permanent magnets during electromagnetic buffering
- Synthesis and properties of novel nitro-based thermally stable energetic compounds
- Effect of metal powders on explosion of fuel-air explosives with delayed secondary igniters
- Rigid elliptical cross-section ogive-nose projectiles penetration into concrete targets
- Effect of organo-modified montmorillonite nanoclay on mechanical,thermal and ablation behavior of carbon fiber/phenolic resin composites
- Transverse relaxation characteristic and stress relaxation model considering molecular chains of HTPB coating based on pre-strained thermal aging
- The effect of al particle size on thermal decomposition,mechanical strength and sensitivity of Al/ZrH2/PTFE composite
- Barrier Lyapunov functions-based dynamic surface control with tracking error constraints for ammunition manipulator electrohydraulic system
- Theoretical and numerical simulation study on jet formation and penetration of different liner structures driven by electromagnetic pressure
- Effect of projectile parameters on opening behavior of PELE penetrating RC target
- Finite-time tracking control and vibration suppression based on the concept of virtual control force for flexible two-link space robot
- Interval uncertain optimization for damping fluctuation of a segmented electromagnetic buffer under intensive impact load
- Opening behavior of PELE perforation on reinforced concrete target
- Relative performance of novel blast wave mitigation system to conventional system based on mitigation percent criteria
- Gas metal arc welding of high nitrogen stainless steel with Ar-N2-O2 ternary shielding gas
- A new energy efficient management approach for wireless sensor networks in target tracking
- An experiment evaluating how the tiny mass eccentricities in spinstabilized projectiles affect the position of impact points
- Survivability assessment of spacecraft impacted by orbit debris
- Static and free vibration analyses of functionally graded porous variable-thickness plates using an edge-based smoothed finite element method
- Simulation on the dynamic stability derivatives of battle-structuredamaged aircrafts
- Repeater jamming suppression method for pulse Doppler fuze based on identity recognition and chaotic encryption
- Recent advances in catalytic combustion of AP-based composite solid propellants
- Research on the intermediate phase of 40CrMnSiB steel shell under different heat treatments
- A novel DOA estimation algorithm using directional antennas in cylindrical conformal arrays
- Effect of the end cap on the fragment velocity distribution of a cylindrical cased charge
- Fabrication and analysis of TIG welding-brazing butt joints of in-situ TiB2/7050 composite and TA2
- Mitigation effects on the reflected overpressure of blast shock with water surrounding an explosive in a confined space
- Pressure relief of underground ammunition storage under missile accidental ignition
- Defence Technology