Defence Technology
- Welding of nickel free high nitrogen stainless steel:Microstructure and mechanical properties
- A novel method to fabricate TiAl intermetallic alloy 3D parts using additive manufacturing
- Transient out-of-plane distortion of multi-pass fillet welded tube to pipe T-joints
- Effect of tool plunge depth on reinforcement particles distribution in surface composite fabrication via friction stir processing
- Effect of varying spatial orientations on build time requirements for FDM process:A case study
- Identifying the optimal HVOF spray parameters to attain minimum porosity and maximum hardness in iron based amorphous metallic coatings
- Optimizing the micro-arc oxidation(MAO)parameters to attain coatings with minimum porosity and maximum hardness on the friction stir welded AA6061 aluminium alloy welds