Communications in Theoretical Physics
- Study on a General Hopf Hierarchy
- Integrability and Solutions of the(2+1)-dimensional Hunter-Saxton Equation
- Singular 1-soliton and Periodic Solutions to the Nonlinear Fisher-Type Equation with Time-Dependent Coefficients
- Addition Formulae of Discrete KP,q-KP and Two-Component BKP Systems
- Quantification of Symmetry
- Non-Relativistic Phase Shifts for Scattering on Generalized Radial Yukawa Potentials
- Decomposition Properties of Quantum Discord
- Dynamics of Super Quantum Correlations and Quantum Correlations for a System of Three Qubits
- Dynamical Change of Quantum Fisher Information of Cavity-Reservoir Systems
- Multiple Multi-Qubit Quantum States Sharing
- Energy Fluctuation of Ideal Fermi Gas Trapped under Generic Power Law Potential in d Dimensions
- Massive Vector Particles Tunneling from the Neutral Rotating Anti-de Sitter Black Holes in Conformal Gravity
- Ground and Low-Lying Collective States of Rotating Three-Boson System
- Effects of f(R) Model on Dynamics of Axial Shear-Free Dissipative Fluids