Communications in Theoretical Physics
- Qualitative Analysis and Explicit Exact Solitary,Kink and Anti-Kink Wave Solutions of the Generalized Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Parabolic Law Nonlinearity
- On the Time Fractional Generalized Fisher Equation:Group Similarities and Analytical Solutions
- Nonlocality and Multipartite Entanglement in Asymptotically Flat Space-Times
- Subsystem Dynamics of an Anisotropic Two-Qubit Heisenberg XYZ Chain Coupled Independently to Their Own Environments
- Thermodynamic Properties and Thermodynamic Geometries of Black p-Branes
- Lag Synchronization Between Two Coupled Networks via Open-Plus-Closed-Loop and Adaptive Controls
- Traveling Wave Solutions for Nonlinear Differential-Difference Equations of Rational Types
Physics of Elementary Particles,Fields
Electromagnetism,Optics,Acoustics,Heat Transfer,Classical Mechanics,Fluid Dynamics
Physics of Gases,Plasmas,Electric Discharges
Condensed Matter:Structural,Mechanical,Thermal Properties
Condensed Matter:Electronic Structure,Electrical,Magnetic,Optical Properties
- Prediction of Pressure-Induced Structural Transition and Mechanical Properties of MgY from First-Principles Calculations
- Electrical Investigation of Armchair Graphene-Graphdiyne-Graphene Nanoribbons Heterojunctions
- On Improving Accuracy of Finite-Element Solutions of the Effective-Mass Schrödinger Equation for Interdiffused Quantum Wells and Quantum Wires