Communications in Theoretical Physics
- Soliton Interactions of the “Good” Boussinesq Equation on a Nonzero Background
- Dual Hierarchies of a Multi-Component Camassa–Holm System
- Deriving the New Traveling Wave Solutions for the Nonlinear Dispersive Equation, KdV-ZK Equation and Complex Coupled KdV System Using Extended Simplest Equation Method
- Generation of Three-Qutrit Singlet States with Two-Level Trapped Ions
- Energy Band and Josephson Dynamics of Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose–Einstein Condensates
- Hexagonal Type Ising Nanowire with Spin-1 Core and Spin-2 Shell Structure
- Comparing Two Definitions of Work for a Biological Quantum Heat Engine
- Flux of a Ratchet Model and Applications to Processive Motor Proteins
- Global Analysis of Response in the Piezomagnetoelastic Energy Harvester System under Harmonic and Poisson White Noise Excitations
- Complex Classical Mechanics of a QES Potential
Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics, and Fluid Dynamics
- Entanglement and Other Nonclassical Properties of Two Two-Level Atoms Interacting with a Two-Mode Binomial Field: Constant and Intensity-Dependent Coupling Regimes
- Evolution of Hyperbolic-Secant Pulses Towards Cross-Phase Modulation Induced Optical Wave Breaking and Soliton or Soliton Trains Generation in Quintic Nonlinear Fibers
- Dissipative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with External Forcing in Rotational Stratified Fluids and Its Solution
- Spectral Hole Burning via Kerr Nonlinearity