《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》是由中国人工智能学会和重庆理工大学共同创办的英文季刊。该刊为中国人工智能学会会刊,是中国人工智能界创办的第一本综合性AI国际学术期刊。编委会阵容强大,中国工程院何新贵院士任期刊顾问,李德毅院士任编委会主任,IEEE CIS副主席、意大利米兰理工大学Cesare Alippi教授任期刊海外主编。中国人工智能学会副理事长刘宏教授和王国胤教授分别担任期刊主编与编委会副主任。《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》(CAAI TIT)是发表人工智能领域技术创新成果的高水平研究型国际学术期刊,面向全球公开发行。重点刊登机器感知与人机交互、智能信息处理、网络智能与移动计算、智能控制与决策、机器人与智能系统等领域的原创性成果。
CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology
- Design and analysis of recurrent neural network models with non‐linear activation functions for solving time‐varying quadratic programming problems
- Different hybrid machine intelligence techniques for handling IoT‐based imbalanced data
- D‐BERT:Incorporating dependency‐based attention into BERT for relation extraction
- Nuclear atypia grading in breast cancer histopathological images based on CNN feature extraction and LSTM classification
- Constrained tolerance rough set in incomplete information systems
- Modified branch-and-bound algorithm for unravelling optimal PMU placement problem for power grid observability:A comparative analysis
- Low-rank constrained weighted discriminative regression for multi-view feature learning
- A multi‐agent system for itinerary suggestion in smart environments
- An efficient hybrid recommendation model based on collaborative filtering recommender systems
- Deep imitation reinforcement learning for self‐driving by vision
- Steganography based on quotient value differencing and pixel value correlation