《当代社会科学》是由中华人民共和国新闻出版总署、正式批准公开发行的全英文期刊。本刊办刊宗旨是向海外一流人文社科研究机构推介中国优秀人文社科研究成果,扩大国内优秀学者的国际影响力,并通过这些学术成果促进海外同行更深刻地理解变革中的中国。同时,致力于发现并筛选海外同行关于四川、中国西部发展以及中国改革开放的优秀论文,丰富国内学者理解中国问题的维度。 《当代社会科学》(双月刊)创刊于2016年,是由四川省社会科学院主管的综合性人文社会科学学术理论刊物。文章选用范围包括哲学、政治学、经济学、国学、社会学、法学等人文社会学科。此外,本刊将不定期开设特色专题,主要涉及生态伦理、地缘政治及人类学。
Contemporary Social Sciences
- A Tentative Analysis of the Aesthetics of Eco-civilization
- Sharing Economy: A New Economic Revolution to Step into an Era of Ecological Civilization
- Five Dialectics of Xi Jinping’s Theory on Ecological Progress
- Coping with Climate Change:China’s Efforts and Their Sociological Significance
- The Content and Approaches of Human Resource Development in Impoverished Rural Regions in the Context of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
- Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind:International Law-based Principles and Approaches
- Order of Precedence Between Local Laws of Cities with Subordinate Districts and Regulations of Provincial Governments Clarifying Premises for Discussion Based on the Characteristics of Laws
- Chinese Costumes and the Spirit of Chinese Aesthetics
- Charm and Beauty—A Comparison of Two Aesthetic Categories in Chinese and Western Paintings
- Call for Papers
- A Brief Introduction to the English Periodical of Contemporary Social Sciences
- A Brief Introduction of Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences