- 能、会、美、雅——造桥艺术的境界
- 在劲性拱骨架上实现混凝土连续浇注的探讨
- 不同支护措施对浅埋暗挖隧道安全性的影响
- 地铁深基坑施工对邻近高压铁塔的影响
- 预应力混凝土箱梁温度效应试验
- Underground Technology and Rock Engineering Program in Nanyang Technological University,Singapore
- The U.S.Experience with Developing and Implementing a Probability Based Limit States Bridge Specification
- Risk and Probability Considerations in Design of Major Infrastructure Systems
- Fatigue Design Criteria for Welded Bridges in the U.S.
- 海洋混凝土结构
- 钢-混凝土组合拱桥技术
- 隧道断层开挖引起的地下水系统变化分析
- Overcoming the Logistical Constraints of Ultra-LongUndersea Tunnels
- Shield-Driven Tunneling in Japan
- 现代大跨度桥梁的设计理念与发展