Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
- Kac Determinant Formula for the q-deformed Virasoro Algebra of Hom-type
- Composition and Multiplication Operators on Lp,∞(M)
- Some Inequalities for the Lp-polar Curvature Images of Star Bodies
- Complete Convergence for Weighted Sums of Negatively Superadditive Dependent Random Variables
- On the Growth of Solutions of a Class of Higher Order Linear Diferential Equations
- Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions Involving the Generalized Dziok-Srivastava Operator
- Common Fixed Points for Mappings with Quasi-Lipschitz Conditions on TVS-valued Cone Metric Spaces
- Rainbow Vertex-connection Number of Ladder and M¨obius Ladder
- On θ∗-completions of F-abnormal Subgroups
- Expression for the Group Inverse of the 2×2 Block Matrix
- Stability of Neutral Fractional Neural Networks with Delay
- When is an Almost Locally Compact Space Supercomplete?
- Adaptive Image Zooming Algorithm Combining Total Variation Minimization and a Second-order Functional