China Communications
- Directions of Arrival Optimization Method for Broadband Antenna Array Based on Filter Bank
- A Fairness Resource Allocation Algorithm for Coverage and Capacity Optimization in Wireless Self-Organized Network
- Coexistence Analysis between 5G System and Fixed-Satellite Service in 3400-3600 MHz
- 5G Features from Operation Perspective and Fundamental Performance Validation by Field Trial
- Polar Coded Iterative Multiuser Detection for Sparse Code Multiple Access System
- Multiuser Pre-Coding Aided Quadrature Spatial Modulation for Large-Scale MIMO Channels
- A Novel Training Sequence Applied to DCS-Based Channel Estimation
- On the Performance of Wireless-Powered Cooperative DF Relaying Networks with Imperfect CSI
- An Enhanced Hadoop Heartbeat Mechanism forMapReduce Task Scheduler Using Dynamic Calibration
- Authorized Identity-Based Public Cloud Storage Auditing Scheme with Hierarchical Structure for Large-Scale User Groups
- To Construct High Level Secure Communication System: CTMI Is Not Enough
- Performance Analysis of Physical Layer Security over α-η-κ-μ Fading Channels
- A Greedy Algorithm for Task Oラoading in Mobile Edge Computing System
- A Key Management Scheme Based on Hypergraph for Fog Computing
- Fast Secret Key Generation Based on Dynamic Private Pilot from Static Wireless Channels
- Reliable and Load Balance-Aware Multi-Controller Deployment in SDN
- Toward Energy-Efficiency Optimization of Pktgen-DPDK for Green Network Testbeds