Communications in Mathematical Research
- The Budget Constrained Multi-product Newsboy Problem with Reactive Production: A Problem from Entrepreneurial Network Construction∗
- Stability of Global Solution to Boltzmann-Enskog Equationwith External Force∗
- Stability of Fredholm Integral Equation of the First Kind in Reproducing Kernel Space∗
- Analysis of Bifurcation and Stability on Solutions of a Lotka-Volterra Ecological System with Cubic Functional Responses and Di ff usion∗
- Likely Limit Sets of a Class of p-order Feigenbaum’s Maps∗
- A Penalty Approach for Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problem∗
- Computing Numerical Singular Points of Plane Algebraic Curves∗
- Trivariate Polynomial Natural Spline for 3D Scattered Data Hermit Interpolation∗