Computer Modeling In Engineering&Sciences
- A Semi-Discretizing Method Based Efficient Model for Fluidelastic Instability Threshold Prediction of Tube Bundles
- Numerical Analysis of Tilted Cutting and F128 Brushes
- The Exact Inference of Beta Process and Beta Bernoulli Process From Finite Observations
- CPAC:Energy-Efficient Algorithm for IoT Sensor Networks Based on Enhanced Hybrid Intelligent Swarm
- Finite Element Investigation of Flow Field Below Asymmetric Drill Bits for Reverse Circulation in Drilling Tight Oil and Gas Reservoirs
- Novel Ensemble Modeling Method for Enhancing Subset Diversity Using Clustering Indicator Vector Based on Stacked Autoencoder
- Partitioned Method of Insect Flapping Flight for Maneuvering Analysis
- Seismic Fragility Analysis of Long-Span Bridge System with Durability Degradation
- 3-D Thermo-Stress Field in Laminated Cylindrical Shells
- Analytical and Numerical Solutions of Riesz Space Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equations with Delay
- Numerical Study of Trapped Solid Particles Displacement From the Elbow of an Inclined Oil Pipeline
- Dynamic Analyses of a Simply Supported Double-Beam System Subject to a Moving Mass with Fourier Transform Technique
- Forced Vibration of the Non-Homogeneously Pre-Stressed System Consisting of the Hollow Cylinder and Surrounding Medium