Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics
- An FV-EE model to predict lean blowout limits for gas turbine combustors with different structures and sprays
- Multi-scale simulation model of air system based on cross-dimensional data transmission method
- Installation error calibration for MEMS angular measurement system in hypersonic wind tunnel
- Adaptive feedback control of stability in an axial compressor with circumferential inlet distortion
- Real-time modular dynamic modeling for compression system of altitude ground test facilities
- Mechanism analysis of hysteretic aerodynamic characteristics on variable-sweep wings
- An atmosphere-breathing propulsion system using inductively coupled plasma source
- Slip boundary conditions for rough surfaces
- Effects of swirl and hot streak on thermal performances of a high-pressure turbine
- Application of immersed boundary method in turbomachines
Solid Mechanics and Vehicle Conceptual Design
- Frequency reconfigurable antenna actuated by inflated triangular structure: Design and analysis
- Optimization and verification of single pilot operations model for commercial aircraft based on biclustering method
- On the evidential reasoning rule for dependent evidence combination
- Damage sensitivity of a wing-type leading edge structure impacted by a bird
- Biaxial tensile behavior of Ti-6Al-4V under proportional loading
Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Control
- Cubature Kalman filter with closed-loop covariance feedback control for integrated INS/GNSS navigation
- Imaginary filtered hindsight experience replay for UAV tracking dynamic targets in large-scale unknown environments
- An information-volume-based distance measure for decision-making
- Performance improvement of licklider transmission protocol in complex deep space networks based on parameter optimization
- Trajectory prediction in pipeline form for intercepting hypersonic gliding vehicles based on LSTM
- An unsupervised classification method of flight states for hypersonic targets based on hyperspectral features
- Pose matters: Pose guided graph attention network for person re-identification
- Fault tolerant attitude control of under-actuated spacecraft: Theory and experiment
- Precise orbit determination for TH02-02 satellites based on BDS3 and GPS observations
Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing
- Ironing effect on surface integrity and fatigue behavior during ultrasonic peening drilling of Ti-6Al-4V
- A thermal activation based constitutive model for the dynamic deformation of AA5083 processed by large-scale equal-channel angular pressing
- Effect of adding Nb foil on joint properties of laser fusion welding for TC4 titanium and 7075 aluminum alloy
- Helical wire electrochemical discharge machining on large-thickness Inconel 718 alloy in lowconductivity salt-glycol solution
- Feasibility study of thermo-compensated resistance brazing welding of C/C composites and T2 copper with AgCuTi filler metal
- Effects of fiber orientation on tool wear evolution and wear mechanism when cutting carbon fiber reinforced plastics
- Non-isothermal creep age forming of Al-Cu-Li alloy: Experiment and modelling
- Radially loading rotary extrusion for manufacturing large-size conical cylinders with inner transverse high ribs