- HB-2 high-velocity correlation model at high angles of attack in supersonic wind tunnel tests
- Flight dynamics characteristics of canard rotor/wing aircraft in helicopter flight mode
- Robust LPV modeling and control of aircraft flying through wind disturbance
- A multi-rate sensor fusion approach using information filters for estimating aero-engine performance degradation
- A surface parametric control and global optimization method for axial flow compressor blades
- Study of thermo-fluidic characteristics for geometric-anisotropy Kagome truss-cored lattice
- A numerical study on flame and large-scale flow structures in bluff-body stabilized flames
- An efficient algorithm for calculating Profust failure probability
- Availability modeling for periodically inspection system with different lifetime and repair-time distribution
- A self-healing strategy with fault-cell reutilization of bio-inspired hardware
- Switched adaptive active disturbance rejection control of variable structure near space vehicles based on adaptive dynamic programming
- Radar maneuvering target tracking algorithm based on human cognition mechanism
- Moving target localization in distributed MIMO radar with transmitter and receiver location uncertainties
- Lightweight structure of a phase-change thermal controller based on lattice cells manufactured by SLM
- Thermal-structure coupling analysis and multiobjective optimization of motor rotor in MSPMSM
- Electrochemical trepanning with uniform electrolyte flow around the entire blade profile
- Real-time object tracking via least squares transformation in spatial and Fourier domains for unmanned aerial vehicles
- A new error-controllable method for smoothing the G01 commands
- Configuration synthesis of planar folded and common overconstrained spatial rectangular pyramid deployable truss units
- Prediction of cutting forces in flank milling of parts with non-developable ruled surfaces
- Guide for Authors