Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics
- Extension of analytical indicial aerodynamics to generic trapezoidal wings in subsonic flow
- Time-varying linear control for tiltrotor aircraft
- Global aerodynamic design optimization based on data dimensionality reduction
- Mesh deformation on 3D complex configurations using multistep radial basis functions interpolation
- Stagnation temperature effect on the conical shock with application for air
- Transient simulation of a differential piston warm gas self-pressurization system for liquid attitude and divert propulsion system
- Effects of tube system and data correction for fluctuating pressure test in wind tunnel
- Particle simulation of grid system for krypton ion thrusters
Solid Mechanics and Vehicle Conceptual Design
- Individual aircraft life monitoring:An engineering approach for fatigue damage evaluation
- Prediction of fatigue crack growth rate for smallsized CIET specimens based on low cycle fatigue properties
- Integrated guidance and control design of a flight vehicle with side-window detection
- Lyapunov-based switched-gain impact angle control guidance
- Lock threshold deterioration induced by antenna vibration and signal coupling effects in hypersonic vehicle carrier tracking system of Ka band
- Singularity analysis for single gimbal control moment gyroscope system using space expansion method
- Spectral-spatial target detection based on data field modeling for hyperspectral data
- Adaptive robust cubature Kalman filtering for satellite attitude estimation
Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing
- 7YSZ coating prepared by PS-PVD based on heterogeneous nucleation
- Surface integrity and fatigue behavior when turning γ-TiAl alloy with optimized PVD-coated carbide inserts
- influences of pre-torsion deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of pure titanium subjected to subsequent tension deformation
- Unequal-thickness billet optimization in transitional region during isothermal local loading forming of Ti-alloy rib-web component using response surface method
- Single track and single layer formation in selective laser melting of niobium solid solution alloy