The Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (Bimonthly, started in 1982) is the official journal of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China and published by the Chemical Industry Press. The aim of the journal is to develop the international exchange of scientific and technical information in the field of chemical engineering. It publishes original research papers that cover the major advancements and achievements in chemical engineering in China as well as some articles from overseas contributors. The topics of journal include chemical engineering, chemical technology, biochemical engineering, energy and environmental engineering and other relevant fields. Papers are published on the basis of their relevance to theoretical research, practical application or potential uses in the industry as Research Papers, Research Notes, Chemical Engineering Data and Reviews. Prominent domestic and overseas chemical experts and scholars have been invited to form an International Advisory Board and the Editorial Committee. It enjoys recognition among Chinese academia and industry as a reliable source of information of what is going on in chemical engineering research, both domestic and abroad.
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
- Recent Advances in Separation of Bioactive Natural Products*
- Diffusion-controlled Adsorption Kinetics of Surfactant at Air/Solution Interface
- Three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Two-phase Flow in a Structured Packing Column*
- Treatment of Sebacic Acid Industrial Wastewater by Extraction Process Using Castor Oil Acid as Extractant*
- Removal of Cu2+from Aqueous Solutions Using Na-A Zeolite from Oil Shale Ash*
- Halloysite Nanotube Composited Thermo-responsive Hydrogel System for Controlled-release*
- Conversion of Fuel-N to N2O and NOxduring Coal Combustion in Combustors of Different Scale*
- A Novel γ-Alumina Supported Fe-Mo Bimetallic Catalyst for Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction*
- Dynamics and Predictive Control of Gas Phase Propylene Polymerization in Fluidized Bed Reactors*
- A New Tuning Method for Two-Degree-of-Freedom Internal Model Control under Parametric Uncertainty*
- Soft Sensor for Inputs and Parameters Using Nonlinear Singular State Observer in Chemical Processes*
- Volumetric and Transport Properties of Aqueous NaB(OH)4Solutions*
- Production of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) by Recombinant Pseudomonas stutzeri 1317 from Unrelated Carbon Sources*
- Ammonium Ion Adsorption and Settleability Improvement Achieved in a Synthetic Zeolite-Amended Activated Sludge*
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of CO2Absorption Enhancement by Nano-Al2O3and Carbon Nanotube Particles