Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Original Articles
- Obesity is positively Associated with Depression in Older Adults: Role of Systemic lnflammation*
- Benchmark Dose Assessment for Coke Oven Emissionslnduced Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Damage Effects*
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Combined Chemotherapy Regimen Containing Bedaquiline in the Treatment ofMultidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in China*
- Diagnostic Efficacy of 18F-FDG PET/CT in Detecting Bone Marrow lnfiltration in Patients with Newly DiagnosedDiffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma*
- Effect of Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring Plus Additional Support on Blood Pressure Control: A Randomized Clinical Trial*
- lmpact of Smoke-Free Legislation on Acute Myocardial lnfarction and Subtypes of Stroke lncidence in Shenzhen,China, 2012–2016: An lnterrupted Time Series Analysis*
Letters to the Editor
- Changes in Urinary Metabolomics of Female Kashin-Beck Disease Patients in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China*
- Differences in Pandemic-Related Factors Associated with Alcohol and Substance Use among Korean Adolescents:Nationwide Representative Study*
- Improved Specificity for Breast Cancer Screening Using an Oncogenic (miRNA-21) and a Gene Suppressor (miRNA-195)miRNA in the Serum for a Point of Care (POC) ScreeningSolution
- Trends of Oral Cancer Mortality in China from 1990 to 2019 and a 15-Year Predictive Analysis Based on a Bayesian Age-Period-Cohort Model*
- Contribution of Ambient Air Pollution on Risk Assessment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus via Explainable Machine Learning*
- A Rapid and Accurate CRlSPR/Cas12b-Mediated Genotyping Assay for the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene Polymorphism C677T*