Analysis in Theory and Applications
- (Lp,Lq)-Boundedness of Hausdorff Operators with Power Weight on Euclidean Spaces
- Construction of Multivariate Tight Framelet Packets Associated with Dilation Matrix
- Some Remarks on the Restriction Theorems for the Maximal Operators on Rd
- Riesz Transforms Associated with Schr¨odinger Operators Acting on Weighted Hardy Spaces
- Unique Common Fixed Point for a Family of Mappings with a Nonlinear Quasi-Contractive Type Condition in Metrically Convex Spaces
- LpBounds for the Commutators of Rough Singular Integrals Associated with Surfaces of Revolution
- HardySpacesAssociatedwithHigher-Order Schro¨dinger Type Operators
- ApproximationbyComplexBaskakov-Sz´asz-Durrmeyer Operators in Compact Disks