Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
- Properties of summer radiation and aerosols at Xinzhou,a suburban site on the North China Plain
- Does regional air-sea coupling improve the simulation of the summer monsoon over the western North Pacific in the WRF4 model?
- Estimation of land surface evapotranspiration using the METRIC model in Nepal
- Nocturnal-to-morning rains during the warm season in South China:characteristics and predictability
- Subseasonal prediction of winter precipitation in southern China using the early November snowpack over the Urals
- Preliminary evaluation of MJO simulation in GAMIL3(Grid-point atmospheric model of IAP LASG)
- Improvement of the simulation of the summer East Asian westerly jet from CMIP5 to CMIP6
- The climate variability in global land precipitation in FGOALS-f3-L:A comparison between GMMIP and historical simulations
- Future changes of global potential evapotranspiration simulated from CMIP5 to CMIP6 models
- CAS FGOALS-f3-H and CAS FGOALS-f3-L outputs for the high-resolution model intercomparison project simulation of CMIP6
- CAS FGOALS-f3-L model dataset descriptions for CMIP6 DECK experiments
- Assessment of CMIP6 and CMIP5 model performance for extreme temperature in China
- Assessment of model performance of precipitation extremes over the mid-high latitude areas of Northern Hemisphere:from CMIP5 to CMIP6
- Comparison of Indian Ocean warming simulated by CMIP5 and CMIP6 models
- Integration of nitrogen dynamics into the land surface model AVIM.Part 2:baseline data and variation of carbon and nitrogen fluxes in China