Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
- Impact of two types of La Niña on boreal autumn rainfall around Southeast Asia and Australia
- Impacts of uncertain cloud-related parameters on Pacific Walker circulation simulation in GAMIL2
- A generic methodological framework for accurately quantifying greenhouse gas footprints of crop cultivation systems
- Characteristics of complex air pollution in typical cities of North China
- Weaker connection between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Indian summer rainfall since the mid-1990s
- Cloud vertical structures associated with precipitation magnitudes over the Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring regions
- ENSO hindcast skill of the IAP-DecPreS near-term climate prediction system:comparison of full-field and anomaly initialization
- Interdecadal variability of the large-scale extreme hot event frequency over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin and its related atmospheric patterns
- Understanding the dynamical mechanism of year-to-year incremental prediction by nonlinear time series prediction theory
- Impacts of internal climate variability on meteorological drought changes in China
- Comparisons of cloud detection among four satellite sensors on severe haze days in eastern China
- Twentieth-century Pacific Decadal Oscillation simulated by CMIP5 coupled models