Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
- The Project Siberian High in CMIP5 Models
- Change in Extreme Climate Events over China Based on CMIP5
- Projected Climate Change against Natural Internal Variability over China
- Seasonal Prediction Assessment of the South Asian Summer Monsoon: ENSEMBLES versus DEMETER
- Modeling of Arctic Sea Ice Variability During 1948-2009: Validation of Two Versions of the Los Alamos Sea Ice Model (CICE)
- Trends of Temperature Extremes in Summer and Winter during 1971-2013 in China
- Arctic Oscillation Responses to Black Carbon Aerosols Emitted from Major Regions
- Carbon Reduction Policies: A Regional Comparison of Their Contributions to CO2Abatement in Six Carbon Trading Pilot Schemes in China
- The Connection between the Sea Surface Height Anomaly Preceding the Indian Ocean Dipole and Summer Rainfall in China