Asian Journal of Pharmacentical Sciences
- Research p rog ress o f in-situ ge lling oph tha lm ic d rug de livery system
- Nanom ateria ls fo rm odu lating innate im m une ce lls in can cer im m uno therapy
- Sm a ll GTPases:Stru ctu re,bio logica l fun ction an d its in teraction w ith nanopa rticles
- Deve lopm en t o f po lyu rethane foam d ressing con tain ing silver an d asiaticoside fo r hea ling o f derm a lw oun d
- In sigh t in to the p re fo rm ed a lbum in co rona on in vitro an d in vivo perfo rm an ces o f a lbum in-selective nanoparticles
- Co-de livery o f resveratro l an d docetaxe l v ia po lym ericm ice lles to im p rove the treatm en t o f d rug-resistan t tum o rs✩
- Deve lopm en t o f PLGA m icro-an d nano rod s w ith h igh capacity o f su rface ligan d con jugation fo r enhan ced targeted delivery
- Co-am o rphou s so lid d ispersion system s o f lacid ip ine-sp irono lactone w ith im p roved d isso lu tion rate an d enhan ced physica l stability
- M u lticom ponen t cyclodex trin system fo r im p rovem en t o f so lubility an d d isso lu tion rate o f poo rly w ater so lub le d rug✩