Asian Journal of Pharmacentical Sciences
- Sp ecial issue on“Form ulation strategies and m anufacturing technologies to enhance non-invasive drug delivery”
- Challenges and trend s in ap om orp hine d rug d elivery system s for the treatm ent of Parkinson’s disease
- Enhanced transd erm al d elivery of m elox icam by nanocrystals:Prep aration,in vitro and in vivo evaluation
- Disulf iram therm osensitive in-situ gel based on solid d isp ersion for cataract✩
- Form ulation of self-nanoem ulsifying d rug d elivery system s containing m onoacyl p hosp hatidylcholine and Kolliphor®RH40 using experim ental design✩
- Prep aration,characterization,and in vitro/vivo evaluation of p olym er-assisting form ulation of atorvastatin calcium based on solid d ispersion technique
- PEPT1-m ed iated p rod rug strategy for oral d elivery of p eram ivir
- Tunable and sustained-release characteristics of venlafax ine hyd rochlorid e from chitosan–carbom er m atrix tablets based on in situ form ed p olyelectrolyte com p lex f ilm coating
- Ad d itive m anufacturing of p rototyp e elem entsw ith p rocess interfaces for continuously op erating m anufacturing lines
- Inf luence of solvent m ix tures on HPMCAS-celecox ib m icrop articles prepared by electrospraying✩
- Characterization of m od if ied m esop orous silica nanop articles as vectors for siRNA d elivery