Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
- Recent Significant Tornadoes in China
- Spatial Characteristics of Extreme Rainfall over China with Hourly through 24-Hour Accumulation Periods Based on National-Level Hourly Rain Gauge Data
- TheContributionof MesoscaleConvectiveSystemstoIntenseHourlyPrecipitation Events during the Warm Seasons over Central East China
- Mesoscale Modeling Study of Severe Convection over Complex Terrain
- Diagnosis of the Forcing of Inertial-gravity Waves in a Severe Convection System
- Ground-Based Radar Reflectivity Mosaic of Mei-yu Precipitation Systems over the Yangtze River-Huaihe River Basins
- Ensemble Mean Forecast Skill and Applications with the T213 Ensemble Prediction System
- Asymmetric Distribution of Convection in Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific Ocean