Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
- Dynamic Downscaling of Summer Precipitation Prediction over China in 1998 Using WRF and CCSM4
- Major Modes of Short-Term Climate Variability in the Newly Developed NUIST Earth System Model(NESM)
- Role of the Subtropical Westerly Jet Waveguide in a Southern China Heavy Rainstorm in December 2013
- In fl uenceofFutureTropicalCycloneTrackChangesonTheirBasin-WideIntensity over the Western North Paci fi c:Downscaled CMIP5 Projections
- Identi fi cation and Analysis of High-Frequency Oscillations in the Eyewalls of Tropical Cyclones
- Investigation of the Mei-yu Front Using a New Deformation Frontogenesis Function
- An Improved Dynamic Core for a Non-hydrostatic Model System on the Yin-Yang Grid
- Seasonal Variation and Physical Properties of the Cloud System over Southeastern China Derived from CloudSat Products
- Exploring the Phase-Strength Asymmetry of the North Atlantic Oscillation Using Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation
- Seasonal Prediction of June Rainfall over South China: Model Assessment and Statistical Downscaling
- On the Relationship between Climatic Variables and Pressure Systems over Saudi Arabia in the Winter Season
- Changes in Regional Heavy Rainfall Events in China during 1961–2012
- Performance of Convective Parameterization Schemes in Asia Using RegCM: Simulations in Three Typical Regions for the Period 1998–2002