Why is MUN so popular?

2023-12-14 21:07MaxChen
疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年8期

Each year,an estimated 20,000 students in the United States participate in a program called Model United Nations,or MUN.Why is the program so popular?Students can gain valuable skills that will benefit them as they further their education and prepare for careers.

In a MUN,young people play the role of delegates (代表) from member countries in the United Nations.They work together to find solutions to global challenges.MUN programs are available to students of all levels around the world.This year,I participated in a MUN at Smith Middle School in Chapel Hill,North Carolina.I was one of the 32 participants in our school district's conferences.The conferences took place in formal settings.We gathered in conference rooms at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

MUN participants have to do extensive research on the selected topics,which include addressing climate change and freedom of the press.“You never know what will happen until you get to the conference,” said Xinyin Zhang,a fellow participant from Smith Middle School.“You have to be prepared in every aspect.”

MUN teaches students teamwork.“The exposure to working together to solve issues is a lesson that carries over,” said Erin Kellas,a MUN director at Smith.Students also learn how to debate hot topics,including regulating nuclear weapons.“It's important to learn how to handle problems,” Kellas said.MUN participant Robin Huang said that the program shows young delegates how to present their opinions and develop their public speaking skills.

The ability to communicate effectively and work with others is essential for success.Participating in a MUN helps young people develop these skills while they learn about international politics.



Why is MUN so popular according to the text?


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