Create the glory,and share the glory

2022-05-30 10:48Alan
中国会展 2022年13期


On July 1st, the meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kongs return to the motherland and the inaugural ceremony of the sixth government of the Hong Kong special administrative region was held at the Hong Kong convention and exhibition centre. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, addressed the session. Five years later, the general secretary came to Hong Kong again and was warmly welcomed by the local people. Throughout the whole itinerary, these details show the importance of the activity planners command art and exhibition function.

In fact, when watching the big welcome through the TV screen, careful people could noticed that every street along the way has banners hanging from the railway station to the convention center and every street corner is carefully set. These innovative?designs not only show the joy of the Hong Kong people, but also refl ect the intentions of the event planners. The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, located near Victoria Bay, has once again witnessed the historic moment. From the beginning to end, the accurate mastery of every link all shows the professional quality of the exhibition practitioners. As a participant in exhibition industry, I am proud, and the exhibition has once again proved its own importance.

Once upon a time, major events and historical events were closely related to the exhibition industry. On the road of epoch development, the exhibition industry has always stayed true to its original aspiration, kept its mission and its responsibilities. In the process of constantly creating value, we have also constantly engraved the imprint of the new era for their own experience. Now, the role of the exhibition industry is not only to stay in the traditional exhibition and display. After continuous learning, continuous compatibility, continuous upgrading and continuous innovating, the exhibition industry has been endowed with more diversifi ed functions by the modern society, and it has always played a "professional role" needed by the society?with the change of times and the progress of the society.

Confronted with the technological transformation, the exhibition industry has new tasks in the new stage. With the continuous emergence of new business forms, the traditional exhibition mode has been unable to meet the development needs of the existing market. Now, the exhibition industry continues to integrate new technologies, expand new fi elds, and enhance the internal power through mode innovation, thinking innovation and technological innovation, to promote the whole industry towards the stage of high-quality development.

Confronted with the major-country diplomacy, the exhibition industry constantly expand foreign exchanges, promote the development of multilateral fi elds, and weave an international circle of friends through high-level exhibition projects such as CIIE, Canton Fair, East Expo and Service Trade Fair, and "Belt and Road" Summit, APEC Summit and G20 Summit, which has become the new name card of diplomacy.

Confronted with the industrial development, the exhibition industry aims at building a high-quality platform and apply related policies, resources to industry through the siphon effect, spillover effect and transmission effect of the exhibition. At present, China emphasizes the stability of market entities, and opening up the market. The exhibition platform solve the market blockage, promote communication, provide information support for transaction decision-making, and enhance the vitality of economic industrial development.

Confronted with the sudden crisis, the exhibition industry will never shrink back, but stand on the front line. Recent years, exhibition venues have been transformed into capsule hospitals to contribute to the national prevention and control. In the face of major natural disasters, the exhibition venues have rebuilt into the emergency headquarters or temporary resettlement sites to help the trapped people and meet the emergency needs of the society.

From the beginning to end, the exhibition has witnessed each new development milestone. Perhaps people still remember its once brilliance in the lingering sound, but more is looking forward to the next song of triumph. The exhibition industry will also live up to its mission and inject dreams and hope for development. Because, Which is the unswerving responsibility and the mission of not forget the original aspiration. As the General Secretary said, on the new journey of realizing Chinas second centenary goal, we will create greater glory and share the glory of rejuvenation!